Saturday, August 21, 2010

I got bad advice from YAHOO ANSWERS!!!?

4 months ago I asked, ';Do I have enough reason to call DSHS on my GF's sister?'; She was with a violent man who had threatened her in front of her children on several occasions. He was verbally abusive and an out of control drunk. Nessy answered that I would further complicate things to get involved. Nessy was wrong. Yesterday evening boyfriend got drunk and ransacked the house again in front of the children and her. He then grabbed a shotgun and stuck it to the younger child's head. At the pleading of GF he stopped, only to throw her down a flight of stairs and breaking four of her ribs. Then he grabbed the youngest child and tried to hold him under water in the apartment pond in the back. A neighbor ran to the child's aid and was able to restrain BF and retrieve the child. Police were called. Now the oldest child is in my care and the younger child is with grandma. BF is in jail to be sentenced tomorrow. If I would have called DSHS 4 months ago this may have not happened.I got bad advice from YAHOO ANSWERS!!!?
Whose fault is it that you chose to FOLLOW bad advice?

Why would you even ASK about something like that? Don't you have a moral compass? Don't you know the right thing to do?

What are you... 7?

Someone gave you bad advice... Yet you followed that advice...

That makes YOU the one who is wrong.I got bad advice from YAHOO ANSWERS!!!?
Why would you have even hesitated to call in a situation like that? Don't ask a bunch of people sitting on their asses in front of a computer.
I'm very sorry to hear this, but I don't think it's right either to make this Nessy's fault. I mean, she just wanted to help you, right? And you took her advice. Perhaps there were other answers that were different to the one Nessy gave you? So I don't think it's right to make it Nessy's fault, but I'm still sorry to hear what had happened. It's just fate, or luck. Whichever you want to call it.
I cant believe you would rely on yahoo answers about violence.

Use your head and call the cops when you think something is going to happen don't go to yahoo answers and think that the person that answers will be correct,don't blame people on here for your temporally loss of your brain.

And you hit the nail on the head saying If I would have called DSHS 4 months ago this may have not happened

You owe Nessy an apology as i see it .
I am very sorry for the situation, but Yahoo Answers does NOT exist to offer qualified ';professional services'; . These answers are OPINIONS of other people just like yourself. YOU are wrong to blame others who were just offering advice that may have been based on what they think they'd do if they were in that situation, or maybe based on their own personal experience. YOU ultimately made the decision regarding the course of action you would or would not take. Although this incident is not personally your fault, you still have to TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR CHOICE instead of blaming somebody else for giving ';bad advice.';

Bottom line, CHILDREN ALWAYS COME FIRST (that's MY opinion.) I would've called children's services WITHOUT asking anybody else's advice.
You know, this website is meant for people to try helping others. People are just giving advices according to what they think and how they see the world, but the final call is always yours. You can't blame others for decisions YOU take, unfortunately.

If it was that obvious that this man was mad, and if he had threatened your sister many times already, you shouldn't even have asked the question here, you should have reacted immediately. If you listen blindedly to what people recommend you, you take the risk to get a bad outcome.

I'm really sorry for what happened tot he ones you love, but I'll say it again: YOU made the call to do nothing... so I think you have to bear the responsibility for it.
Prolly ought to get off this site?

I only come here to put people down =)
From now on wheneveryou feel something is not right ,always go with your first instincts if you feel that you need to turn someone in by all means do so cause let me tell you if it was my sister or girlfriend or boyfriend sister I would turn them in if they were not doing right by thier children cause after all ain't none of them children ask to be here so we as adults should look out for thier safety.
Since this situation is in the control of the Law and Courts now... Let me say this for any and all who read: IF YOU ARE IN AN ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIP OR KNOW SOMEONE WHO IS... GET OUT.. NOW ... GRAB THE CHILDREN AND LEAVE. The material things like clothes can be gotten later .. .. GET OUT NOW... dont go to a computer and ask ppl who can not help physcially . Go to the police station. go to a Church but GET OUT NOW
Never look to Yahoo Answers for advice on serious stuff. Realize that we are only a bunch of average joe's that can't give any better advice than the lady at the cash register at the grocery store.
I dont know how bad things were in the first instance, but you may be being harsh on the advice you received. Dshs will only step in and do something if someone is clearly threatened. In this case with what you have stated has happened now the threat is clear and of a serious nature and unfortunately the departments wont intervene unless it is. I know what you have all gone through is horrible but in the end it may be the best thing that could have happened as now this horrible person is going to be dealt with, with clear evidence to his crimes. Broken bones will heal and the little one although probably scared half to death is alive and the oldest in your care. So try to look on the positive side as things do have a way of working out.
ur an idiot for believing a bunch of ppl who ARENT PROFESSIONALS on serious real life issues. use better sense.
Matt said it well.

I can see where Nessy was coming from, but really, you should have thought about it more thoroughly. If there are children involved, it is more serious.

Do not blame yourself, though. That's the worst thing you could do! Just be glad the bastard is in jail.

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