My friend is pregnant by a guy and he was texting one of her associates. She found out and now the guy is mad at her for going through his phone. She also told me she is not satisfied because he doesn't give oral. I told her to get an abortion. It is only going to get worse, the lies, sex and trust. Just isn't there, well from what she has said prior. She said she wants to keep her child, but why struggle when he is a dog from jump. Am I a bad friend and what would you tell her?Am I giving bad advice?
May not be a good idea of a friend recommending abortion, if she does she may regret it more. It would be better coming from a parent or doctor.Am I giving bad advice?
Well, you're right that it's only going to get worse but people have very strong feelings about abortion. What she does need to do is try to step away from this guy emotionally and see him as what he will be - and all he should be - the father of her unborn child if she chooses to keep it. They are linked now and she chose that link but she doesn't have to continue having a relationship with someone who sees her as another tissue in the box of life.
Your are not a bad friend. You just really care for your friend and you don't want to see here get hurt. If you did not care, you would not say anything. However, having an abortion is not an easy choice to make. And although it may seem like an easy way out in your eyes, it may not be as easy for her. Just fall back a little. Allow her to make her own to make her own decisions and if things don't work out for the good, just try to be the best friend you can be through what ever ends up happening.
I hope things improve.
you aren't a bad friend for telling her your opinion when it has been asked for and you aren't a bad friend for telling her what you would do in her place.
you are a bad friend when you treat her badly because she didn't do what you thought she should do.
remember that this is her life and she has final say on what happens in it. If she makes a bad decision then it has to be her bad decision to make.
My friend was in a similar situation, but she felt that aborting the child was just punishing the child. when she gave birth she registered the child as father unknown. thusfar He has haed nothing to do with them and she is just fine with that. she has a heathy 4 year old now and she wouldn't trade him for the world. The love that that child would bring into her life will be well worth it.
i once told a family member to get an abortion 15 years ago . I was so wrong ....I live with shame every time I see that amazing girl...times can be hard but live each day as a new start.IT may not be easy but you can be there to help,laugh, and cry .....that baby could be the best thing in her life....if not today or tomorrow but who knows 10 20 50 years from now.....sperm donor is all he may be but his baby is her flesh and blood now....
Leave her to take decisions.
You cannot do anything.
Whether she took your advise before becoming pregnant.
Because you are a friend, you cannot take blame or risk for somebody.
It is none of your concern.
Messages of the Our Lady of the Roses in USA
Inmaculate Conception protecs you
';The fruit of abortion is nuclear war. What you do to the unborn child, you do to Jesus.'; - Mother Teresa of Calcutta
';Our hearts are torn because of the wanton murder of the young by evil man. Abortion, My children, is murder, the most foulest of deeds, that is punishable by death! And what is worse than death of the soul?
';I say unto you, as your Mother, that any man or woman who performs or takes part of this abomination of the murder of the unborn shall be given a heavy penance upon earth, or if this penance is not given upon earth, that person found guilty in the eyes of his God shall suffer eternal damnation in the fires of hell.'; - Our Lady, December 28, 1976
';The Eternal Father command that you stop these murders at once! You will not destroy the lives of the unborn. Human life is sacred in the eyes of your God. No man has the right to destroy a life. The Father, He sends this life to you, and only He will decide when it will return back to the Kingdom.
';Do not, My children, be deceived by the words of the evil ones about you who cry to you of no space left for man. There is space, for My Father has a plan for every life He sends.'; - Our Lady, August 5, 1971
';You will remember, My children and My child, to guard the young. Your clergy have fallen into darkness. Abortion will never be condoned. But We must have others who fervently will go forward and bring out to the minds of those who have actually seduced the country and the children--bring them the knowledge of Heaven, hell and purgatory. Then they will not have free license to sin.'; - Our Lady, May 28, 1983
';I say this for this reason: the Eternal Father is much disturbed at the numbers of abortions being committed throughout your country and the world. These numbers go upwards to fifty to sixty million in one year throughout the world.'; - Our Lady, June 18, 1986
';O My child, My tears fall upon you all when I see all of the innocent little babies being slaughtered . . . cast into garbage pails like nothing but dirt and scum. They are living human beings! And all murderers shall get their just recompense.'; - Our Lady, March 18, 1983
';And what, My children, are We going to do with all the aborted babies? O My child, I know you feel as I do, for I can see the great distress on your face. What are We going to do, My child? Do you understand when they come to Us, they must go to Limbo? They are in Heaven, a happy place, but they cannot see God.'; - Our Lady, October 2, 1987
';Sorrowfully, the penance that is to come upon the world for the murders of the unborn shall be a chastisement far greater in severity than man has ever witnessed in the past nor ever shall pass through again. Your world is plunging into a deep chasm of suffering and destruction.'; - Our Lady, May 20, 1978
';The torment that will be visited upon those who murder the innocent shall be eternal damnation and feasting their eyes upon the murdered souls.'; - Our Lady, May 10, 1972
';. . . We cannot tolerate the murders of the unborn. This is a sacrilege of the most foulest manner in the eyes of the Eternal Father, and shall be punishable by death.'; - Our Lady, May 17, 1986
';The Eternal Father finds that children He had great plans for to bring the true Faith to the world and to save His Son's Church, they have been murdered in the womb.'; - Jesus, October 1, 1988
';Know, My child, this simple lesson, that in these days of the latter times, women will seek to cast off their role as mother and a woman. Women will cast it off under the direction of satan, and murder her children. Woe to the woman who does not repent of this vile abomination! She has walked the road to eternal damnation and hell. Repent, O woman, or forever be lost!'; - Our Lady, March 18, 1975鈥?/a> (D#23)
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