I love babys and i want to have one sooo badly i guess its to have someone to love me as much as i love him or her because everyone im friends with and related to always tell me im a mistake and nobody will ever love me i act like it doesn't bother me but it dose it hurts alot im confused any advice.I am almost 15 and i want to have a baby really bad so any advice (im not a whore either).?
Ask mommy and daddy for a puppy. You are not ready for a child.I am almost 15 and i want to have a baby really bad so any advice (im not a whore either).?
You are way too young to make this mistake so early in life
Do you know that Jesus loves you more than anything there is? You are his baby... you are so perfect and beautiful to Him!!
Let go of the hurt, ask Him into your heart and into your life. Ask Him to take away all of those feelings and fill you with the love you are needing.
God created you and has been with you for your whole life, waiting for you to ask Him into your heart so He can show you His love. He will be your best friend.
Pray to Him right now, it will feel so good. You are not a mistake, you never were and never will be. You were made to do something BIG in this world girl. Someday you WILL be a beautiful amazing mother! You can teach your child about Christianity and all God has done for this you. But that time is not right now, you are too young for a baby.
Pray to Him, let him take the pain and fill your heart with His love.
You are not as ready as you think you are. How much do you *really* know about taking care of a baby? Do you know how much it costs? Do you know how much time it would take? You would barely have time for school (if that) let alone time to do anything on your own.
Which means that you wouldn't have time to learn to drive. Which means you couldn't get your license. Nor could you have a real sweet sixteen. You can't throw a big party when you've got a baby to take care of.
Also, having a baby won't solve your problems It will only make things worse, because you'll have more to worry about. If you have problems with the way your family/friends treat you,let them know that you're offended or upset. Don't have a kid. It will change the rest of your life. And fifteen is a young age to be making those kinds of decisions.
And I'm not an adult trying to talk you out of this. I'm the same age as you are. Just... please thing about the consequences.
my advice is your friends and family are dicks and dont you are wayyy to young to have a baby.simple and blunt.
Those sound like incredibly selfish reasons to have a child. At the age of 'almost 15', you are still too young to have a child. I bet you don't even have a good-paying job yet. You should finish school and get the sufficient qualifications to get a good job. You should find someone that you love very much - enough to have the commitment of carrying and having their child. This can't be done at the age of 15. You have the rest of your life to have a baby - right now at your age, you should just be thinking about having fun and enjoying the rest of your youth!!
You are too young for a baby. The friends and family that tell you that you are a mistake and that nobody will ever love you are NOT nice people. You should ditch the friends that tell you that. Babies are a lot of work. Carrying a baby in your belly for nine months and throwing up every day of your pregnancy is not a good time. You should focus on finishing school. Most boys your age are only interested in getting in your pants. They do not care about you or love you the way you want to be loved. Do not let boys use you for sex and get you pregnant. You will be the one left responsible if you do get pregnant.
Your teen years are a very stressful time. It's normal to feel like you don't fit in. Try to develop self esteem and feel confident in yourself. Join a club at school and make some friends. You might be able to volunteer at a hospital in the baby ward. There will be plenty of time to have a baby when you are older and have finished school. Maybe you can get a job babysitting after school.
Everybody goes baby-crazy at one point in their life :)
Ask for a pet you're not ready for a baby and you won't be able to give it the best life you can right now and you wouldn't want that would you?
Start babysitting!
First, I'd like to say, **** all of these judgmental assholes who are telling you you can't do this. God, it pisses me off that people will bash anyone's ideas if they're a little different. You can do whatever you want to do..as long as you're willing to step up to the plate. As long as you're willing to be an adult, miss parties to babysit, get a job, all that mess. Also, you'd have to deal with people thinking that you ARE a whore
I'm 15 and preggo..and I have to say I am a bit excited. So, I understand where you're coming from. Just please please don't rush. I have a boyfriend who I know loves me and I love him. And I know that even if we break up, he'll help me with the baby. That's so important - you can't do it alone. And there's a lot of issues with children without fathers. So think really hard about it.
If you find a boyfriend, and when you fall in love, think about this again. Talk to him about it, first. (And don't trick yourself into thinking you love him if you don't.)
To summarize:
1. Babies are amazing things, but they also suck. So think hard.
2. You NEED support..find a good and loyal guy.
3. Be ready to step up..and defnitely do some research. There's a lot of risks involved in young pregnancy. I'm so scared. 0_o
Good luck. Hope you make the right decision.
having a baby is not the solution to all your problems. you should probally talk to your parents. and if you have a baby you're just going to have pay the price of being a teenage mom. enjoy your life like other 15 year olds.
Clearly you are not stable. Why bring a child into this world? You are not ready! You haven't even mention a boyfriend! And a 15 you can barely get a good job. I mean you can't even drive, yet!
if you want someone to love, having a baby isn't the answer. Look for a very nice guy who will treats you well and that's how you'll find love. Don't have kid this young, then it will change you life and possibly ruin it, if they are your friends, then they wouldn't tell you those stuff. Everyone finds love, just got a look for it. :)
You are retarted
its not true. but a baby is a lot of hard work. and love doesnt by the baby food and a home. i know how much you want a baby and i understand. but im 17 and i have a 3 year old. hes a lot of work. you may want to wait until you have a good job and an education. and your own home. i wish you the best in your disition making
Yes, bringing a child into this world can be wonderful, and it is a blessing from God...
but the reality is that it's really hard... yes there's unconditional love for that baby, that doesn't make it easy, it's a huge responsibliy.
it's okay to think about because one day you'll have one...
but thats in the future.
should focus on your studies, so one day you can provide for your child...But your only 15, i'm not critising you, this is perfectly normal.
But just wait.
you'll know one day when the time is right.
Baby sit or adopt a sweet little dog or cat from an animal shelter. Saving the life of an animal is a much wiser decision than bringing a baby into existence when you're so young and unprepared and...just not ready.
I'm not going to tell you the obvious things. You'll get enough of that.
but think about it.
- your baby is not capable of ';loving';. babies do not know how to love so do not have a baby because you think that he or she will love you back.
- your baby will get made fun of when he or she is older because their ';friends'; will realize how young you are and you will known as a whore.
- your classmate will think your a whore.
- your parents will be disappointed in you.
- the baby will most likely not have a committed dad or will any boy want to have a baby with you at the age of 14
That's gotta be the worst reason to havea child.
The child may love you, but you already are unprepared to love it if you are only wanting it to fill a void in your life. You can't take care of a child the best at age 14. You need to wait until you are
a) over this need of someone to love
b) have a loving husband
c) able to financially provide for a baby.
Like the first answer said, get a puppy.
P.s. You should also be vary wary of the guys you end up dating, because this need of yours to want to be loved so badly can very easily end you up in an abusive relationship. Go buy the book ';but i love him'; by Dr. Jill Murrayso you'll be able to recognize the warning signs..
i feel the same way, but im not crazy and want to have a kid. go on neopets or something take care of a virtual baby, your immaturity shows that you are clearly not ready to take care of something
I'm 15 too and yeah, frankly, anyone our age is too young to have a baby, but i know what you mean. One of the reasons that teenage girls have babies is because they want that feeling and security of an unconditional love, and they aren't getting it from a parent or a friend or a boyfriend, and it sucks. but its no reason to get pregnant and stop yourself from doing wonderful things the rest of your life. What i would do is find a regular part-time babysitting job, or even offer to do it for free. Then you get to spend 2 or 3 days a week with a baby/toddler, while helping out the mother, and most parents wont object to free babysitting :) also, i work in nursery on sundays, it helps me get my ';baby-fill'; b/c you get to smile and play and cuddle for an hr or two and then you get to give it back.
Hope this helped :)
How much will your child love you when your living in a box on the streets?
You do realize if you have a child you will have to drop out of school, and you won't be able to get a job right?
And don't think anyone is going to want to help you, they will all think your just a teenage mother, they won't want you.
1. You are not the 'Age of Consent', anywhere, on earth. Which means, you would allowing yourself to be raped(Statutory Rape).
2. Having a baby for the reason of wanting to be loved is ABSOLUTELY SELFISH
What are you thinking having a child will bring you love but it also brings alot more then that.No matter what anyone tells you its up to you to believe in yourself and not be brought down to levels like wanting a baby so that you can be loved.How will you support the baby because believe you me public assistance doesn't do crap how will you finish school because it sounds to me like you don't have a supportive family there is waaaaay more to being a parent and being 15 you don't know the half of it Im 27 and its still hard for me. I have witnessed teen pregnancy and the negativity that comes along with it it may seem that you really want it and that they are cute and love able and blah blah blah but the actuality is that its another human being just like you and needs to have not just a young mom but both parents that are stable enough to take care of it.Before you go trying to actually make this baby you really need to think about the long term and not just whats going right now. I hope you see that you have more then enough time to have a baby just take care of yourself and make sure that you grow up a little more so you can live your life as a child instead of bringing another child into the world.I don't mean to be rude just being honest..Take care sweetie I hope you make the right choice yours and that babies sake..
having a baby just because you want someone to love you unconditionally is not a good idea, especially at 15.
what kind of quality of life will you be able to give him/her? with a part time job at a fast food joint, and no high school diploma - not a very good one, and he/she may grow up to resent you for that- and that is exactly the opposite of what your looking for. I'll save you the you're too Young to have children or to have sex blah blah whatever speech., and just tell you this
at 15 your life has barley started. you haven't even gotten the freedom of being able to get in your car and drive to wherever you want to go yet, and if you have a baby, you will never have that freedom. it will never ever again be about you. you get your pay check from work, and are at the mall and see a REALLY cute top that looks amazing on you, you love it and you want it so bad, then all of a sudden your 9 month old baby starts to cry because he needs to be changed, and you've just run out of diapers, bye bye cute top, hello jumbo pack of diapers. three years down the road, your 18, and get asked out on a date by a really cute, nice guy that you're really into, but you can't find a sitter, now you have to stay home with your three year old instead of going out with this boy who you really liked.
The way your family is treating you hurts, i get it. i've been there, the best choice you can make right now, is to go to your school guidance counsellor and talk about it. they aren't there to judge you. they will let you talk, and give you advice, its great to know that someone cares enough to listen. please do that before you decide to get pregnant.
let yourself live your life. wait until you've been old enough to legally get into a bar, to find a man who loves you, unconditionally no matter what, who you want to spend the rest of your life with to make a child out of love, not in order to be loved.
i hope you consider everything i've just told you. Good luck
Honey, you are wayy to young to have a child. I know you think you Trust me when i was 13 i wanted a child so bad so i babysat a baby. I was so tired.
Sweaty, you are too young to have a baby. A 15 years old's body the girl is not prepare to have a baby, is not well developed. A baby is a big responsibility, not a toy. You probably feel lonely, it will be better to have a puppy, they need to be adopted. Don't pay any attention to all those jack *** who tell you you will never find somebody that love you. Be patience there will be someone there that love will love you. A baby at this time would kill you, they get sick very often, you have to get up in the middle of the night, you have to change diaper. Why don't you concetrate more in going to school. Please don't do such a mistake. A friend of mine had a baby, she was raped at 13 and she never could have any more babies. The best thing is to get a puppy, they love unconditionally, there are many puppies waiting for you, tell your parent how do you feel. Maybe they don't know. You are too young and you will have all the time in the whole world to have a baby. Remember that God get something for you, just rely on him. I will pray for you that you change your mind. I'm also feel lonely, My mother left when I was 9 years old I lost my father when I was 18. My mother died, my uncle, my father, my young sister all after one. What woud I do with the baby at this time. The baby is not going to make you happy, believe me. Talk to the counseling at school and tell them how you feel. I hope every thing will work for you and you listen and love yourself first. May God bless you.
You have plenty of time to worry about babies. Dont have 1 while still in high school, at least wait til your 19. You dont need someone to love you yet, youre only 15. Since your thinking of babies dont go out having sex. Youre too young.
What should you do?
You should wait, before you have a baby, wait until you're financially stable, you've got all your qualifications and a job.
Yeah you want a baby now, but soon enough you'll want to go out places with hem, but when you have a baby, your freedom is restricted - especially at a young age.
There's numerous reasons why you shouldn't try for a baby at 14.
Don't listen to them, ofcourse somene will love you.
To be honest i am a guy that is 18 i know 2 very close friends of mine that are either have a child or are expecting. For one you are to young and i don't mean anything by it. I cant think of a single guy who would want or who has the mental capacity to care for a child even at my age so I am going to tell u what i should have told my friends.
If you do love the person you want to have a child with then marry them and wait about 2 years just to see if it will work then have a kid.
just just have a baby just to get away from your parents because that is your reasoning u may have not said it but from what u said about them that at lest has some factor on your decision.
im really sorry that your family tells you things like that. no one should ever be put down like that, i am really sorry.
but as for having babies i would really ask you to reconsider that. its really hard having a baby at a young age. i had a little girl when i was 18 and a senior in high school. it was so hard getting up really early every morning to feed her then going to school and coming back home to take care of her and do my homework, then i had college to worry about to. its really hard and if you dont have anyone there to help you then it makes it extra hard. i know you are feeling really sad and hurt right now, but really this isnt the way to make things better.
it was hard at my age, but i know it will be even harder at your age to have a baby. you are so young and can do so many things, dont worry about what your friends tell you or your family, prove them wrong and show them you can do whatever you set your mind to. i know you are a smart girl and you arent a mistake!!! always remember that!!! be strong and i know things will work out for you, if you need anyone to talk to email me okay.
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